We Do OCEAN was founded in Germany. We see marine conservation as a global responsibility – no matter where we live.

We implement our projects where they are most urgently needed: in Indonesia, on Bali, in the centre of the Coral Triangle, one of the most biodiverse marine regions in the world.

Here, coral reefs are fighting for survival and plastic pollution is one of the biggest challenges.

We act not only out of conviction,
but out of responsibility for the sea.

The Executive Board

Alexander Wentz
Karlsruhe, Germany

Inclusion teacher
Underage adolescents
Ragino Fagner
Hamburg, Germany

Managing Director
AMS Solutions
Claudia Koch
Bali, Indonesia

Founder We Do OCEAN
Dive Center Padang Bai
Peter Koch
Bali, Indonesia

Founder We Do OCEAN
Dive Center Padangbai
The strength lies in the differences,
not in the similarities.
Stephen R. Covey

Founding members

Ni Wayan Suparwati Surya Dewi
Bali, Indonesien
Mayor Padangbai
Jan-Martin Rüschhoff (& Ella)
Boppard, Germany
Consultant -Restoration Team
I Agus Triawan
Bali, Indonesien
Scuba Instructor - Restoration Team
Steve Rutherford
Bali, Indonesia
IKetut Sumardiana
Bali, Indonesia
Coordinator Waste Station
Prof. Dr. Markus Sauer
Heidelberg, Germany
Scientific advisor
I Kadek Budiarta
Bali, Indonesia
SCUBA Instructor - Restoration Team
Tina Schneider
Boppard, Germany
Master of Arts - Restoration Team
Individually, we are one drop.
Together, we are an ocean.
Ryunosuke Satoro

We Do OCEAN e.V. is a registered non-profit organisation based in Karlsruhe, Germany, VR703824.

The association is represented by its Board of Directors. The Executive Board may delegate the management of the association's activities to third parties, provided that the activities and affairs are managed under the ultimate direction of the Executive Board.

The association works internationally, so that members and officers of the association (e.g. Executive Board, auditors) do not necessarily have to be resident in Germany. Cooperation with other non-profit organisations is expressly desired if this is conducive to the fulfilment of the association's statutory tasks. The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the "tax-privileged purposes" section of the German Fiscal Code, paragraph 52.

The Executive Board and the founding members of the association work on a voluntary basis and are not entitled to any remuneration. Members of the Executive Board and persons authorised by the Executive Board receive appropriate reimbursement of their expenses that are necessary to deal with the Association's affairs and are supported by receipts.

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